Bram’s Knives & Tools
Bram has designed and holds patents on the world’s first Kinetic Opening Full force continuum tool & knife made by REKAT the Escalator which later evolved into a modern version made by SPYDERCO knives: the Gunting. The concept has spread to new versions such as the Lapu Lapu Corto by Chersuker Messer of Germany and carried by the USMC. The LLC won TACTICAL KNIFE OF THE YEAR @ IWA, Europe’s largest Military, Security and LE Show. He has helped design the newest bayonet –fighting knife of the USMC made by Ontario knives. Currently he has more patents on his newest fixed blade fighting knife for Military and Anti Terror Units; the ABANIKO Tactical knife. He has Utility patents on Kinetic Opening, Indexing and the Puzzle lock all in use on many new designs: each rooted in Filipino tradition. To go with these knives Bram has designed full training programs in a Modular “Train the trainer” format allowing anyone to learn the skills needed in a short amount of time… “Learn in 6, teach in 12”