The CRMIPT (Close Range/Control Response Medium ImPact Tool) the best non lethal tool in your tool box.

The CRMIPT tool is designed to provide the ultimate in a small impact unit that can, within its flow of use expand (open) to almost twice its length and then when needed to, without stopping its use, can retract (close) back to its normal position.

CRMIPT is able to be held easily in one’s hand forward or reverse grip and has the same ergonomics as a firearm, making its use and grip familiar to all officers.

CRMIPT is not only a great impact and control tool but it has what no other impact tool has: RESCUE capability. The CRMIPT2 has a jimped solid one piece glass break/clothing, seat belt cutter firmly secured to its frame. The cutter can cut flex cuffs and is sharpenable and replaceable if need be. The cutter/breaker also aids in trapping of joints and hammering impact.

CRMIPT allows for non lethal control of your opponent or suspect. Using the basic principles of Small Circle JuJitsu and Filipino Dumog you can easily use the CRMIPT2 to redirect, control or restrain your opponent or suspect! Open or Closed!

CRMIPT might be small but it packs a MEDIUM size punch! Size and strength don’t matter for the CRMIPT2 is a force multiplier! It’s a mini ball peen hammer!

The LLC-Gunting knife and its Non lethal counterpart the CRMIPT have become part of several LE agencies approved carry and SOP within Hialeah PDS force continuum for 2010.

CRMIPT Training

Order yourself or someone else a CRMIPT today!

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